Are you trying to download and use your HustleBooks Starter Spreadsheet-App? No problem. Watch this video and we’ll walk you through it.
Or, below, read the rest of this post where we’ll explain step by step.
First step? Make sure you’re logged in to your Google Account. These are free. If you have a Gmail or YouTube account, you already have on. Log in to it at or create a new one. A Google Account is required to run our Spreadsheet-App in Google Sheets (a free killer app from Google).
Next, take our free mini-course on using Hustle Books Starter. It will show you everything you need to know. Or we’ll explain below…
- Provide your Email address on the HustleBooks Starter page
- On the Confirmation Page you’ll see a download link
- Be sure your logged in to your Google Account, then click on it
- A page will load where you can make a copy of our Spreadsheet-App to your Google Account, click “Make A Copy”
- A copy of the sheet will be added to your account, give it a name, use it free forever!
Good work. You’re all done.
Thanks for checking out HustleBooks. Be sure to check out our blog for tips on running your side hustle and using spreadsheets to do cool things.